Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tips for shaping eyebrows?

I'm going to attempt to pluck my eyebrows once again. I HATE doing it, but oh well. I can't afford to get them done professionally, and my normal method of using a razor is a pain because it grows back awkward. =x Any tips for learning to shape them correctly? I'm always afraid I'll mess up, like the last time I tried, I just about did, and I don't do eyebrow pencils. (make up for eyebrows is weird to me, even if it is just filling in where I messed up at.)Tips for shaping eyebrows?
First wash your face with warm water. This opens up the pores a bit and makes plucking easier. Then comb your eyebrows so you can see their natural shape. Then, just ';tidy'; them up. Don't overpluck. The super think arched eyebrow is out and natural looking eyebrows are in. You actually only need to pluck a few hairs to define the arch. Search online for eyebrow shaping tips. I believe Alexandria Cold Wax Strips also has an eyebrow kit and they are super cheap, but work very well.Tips for shaping eyebrows?
Try and eyebrow stencil, you can get a kit at Sephora its a bit pricey I'm sure you can find similar ones at a cheaper rate. But in a way it pays for itself by you not going to get them waxed every week.

Use white eyeliner to draw out the shape you want your eyebrows to be in and pluck outside of the white line. It is a lot faster and easier than using an eyebrow stencil. Good luck!
Don't try to make a major change or anything. Just pluck the strays in the middle, underneath, and some above. The shape should not change.
ummm get them waxed at a nail salon???? it costs $6 bucks? but yeahh. :)

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