Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How to shape your eyebrows to compliment your facial structure?

I have a heartshaped face and short hair. How should i shape my eyebrows? I have a slightly large forhead (not like rihanna). Is there a site anymore i can look at?

With ThanxHow to shape your eyebrows to compliment your facial structure?

I could ';copy/ paste'; the answer.. but I think you would love to explore and find for yourself your BEST eyebrow shape in this site:

http://www.eyebrowz.com .

This link will send you directly to your heart shape face best eyebrow arch: http://www.eyebrowz.com/heart.htm

Be blessed :)How to shape your eyebrows to compliment your facial structure?
I've heard that the natural shape of your eyebrows is what best suits you. So don't give your eyebrows an arch if they aren't naturally like that

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